Creative Type Podcast: Conversations for visual artists and art lovers

Episode 10: Things I Wish I Had Known Earlier

Episode Summary

When you’re new at something, you just don’t know what you don’t know. Today, Lori and Jaime talk about things that they feel would’ve benefited them to have found out earlier in their artistic journey. Follow along and see if they’re similar to what you wish you had known earlier. Or if you’re new at painting or selling your work, then listen for nuggets that will benefit you in the long run.

Episode Notes

The beginning of just about anything comes with growing pains. You learn as you go and if you’re lucky, then maybe you’ve been given some good advice on how to navigate the art world and save yourself some grief down the road.

Lori and Jaime share good advice today while accounting for each of their personal and artistic ups and downs while in the early phase of painting and the art business. Take advantage of their lessons learned the hard way and make your life easier. Sometimes it just takes a new way of looking at things.

They talk about practice, jealousy, resiliency and giving yourself grace during this new and exciting time of your artistic journey.

As in each episode, we include bits of our personal lives into the discussion. Think of it as sitting with your two artist friends chatting about art, the art biz and life. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and join us.

Shoutouts: People and/or podcasts mentioned:

Elizabeth Fahrlander

Jan Meng of Hungry

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Where to find us:




Jaime Haney

Lori Rivera