Creative Type Podcast: Conversations for visual artists and art lovers

Episode 7: How to Get Your Art Out There

Episode Summary

If selling your art is your business then knowing how to get your art out there and in the public eye is so important for the success of your art business. Because how will anyone buy your art if it’s hiding in your closet? Lori and Jaime talk about various places to exhibit your art besides a gallery.

Episode Notes

Getting eyes on your artwork is the name of the game when it comes to sales. Whether you're painting to sell or painting as a hobby, your art deserves to be seen. Lori and Jaime chat about all the places they’ve exhibited their artwork and the pros and cons of each.

Key take aways from this podcast include:

As in each episode, we include bits of our personal lives into the discussion. Think of it as sitting with your two artist friends chatting about art, the art biz and life. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and join us.

People and/or podcasts mentioned:

Ashley Longshore

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Jaime Haney

Lori Rivera